And here is one of our sweet babysitters. Julie, Billy, we LOVE Katelyn. She and Mary Allison are making our week so absolutely wonderful! We are having such a nice, relaxing time with the Fords, Raborns, and Bourlands. We certainly couldn't do it without them.
Some of these are blurry. But I love my GG's expressions.
I could eat her up. She is starting to mock Ellie when she is squealing, crying, talking. Gabbi adores her big sister, and I am LOVING seeing her "play" with her.
She is also so ticklish! I am trying to get a grin out of her. All I have to do is pretend I am coming at her with my "claw", and she anticipates it and starts laughing!
Dang. She is FUN!
Only a couple more. Mary Allison was snapping away as we walked ahead of her on the boardwalk.
I love that my babysitter knows how much I love pictures and assumes the role so I can be in pics with my girls from time to time. I am not vain. I just love to have memories that include me! Is that so bad?! LOOoooook at THIS expression!
And of course, I love Ellie too! However, she doesnt' get my adoration in Ellie and Mom pics, because she will NOT stay still enough for pics and especially not for me to hold. Butttttt.... strap her in her carseat, and ta da... CUTE! Can you see her little tan!?
I did take a bunch of pics of Maddi today. Let me load em up and I will share.
Nighty night!
Your babies are just so precious. I have enjoyed your beach blogs and all the pics.
I am looking forward to seeing you guys next weekend for the Shake.
Love you all,
Love those dresses! Perfect for little girlies. Have a great day!
I love the little white flowers! Looks like you are having a blast!
The dresses are A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E! The family pics are awesome. You should frame those!
I wanna see pics of Todd w/o his goatee!
Have fun today...I know you will. :-)
Glad you are having a wonderful time with your family...Your girls are just too cute!
Great family photo! That one is frame worthy for sure. Looking forward to seeing photos of Todd the Bodd with no Go-tee and of course more of the 3 girls.
You have a beautiful family. I love all of the pictures. I understand about wanting to treasure those memories...we had a photographer come last year to the beach to take our pictures. I love the ones we got but my one regret is that I didn't ask him to take more of ME with the kids. I have so very few. Anyway, both girls are precious.
I love love love the picture of you from the back holding Gabbi up in the air - that will make a great scrapbook page or even a great picture for a frame!!
great seeing you in pictures!
I love your little family, too!!!
Loving the *sherbet* family picture....I can see that blown up and framed for sure!!
Have a FANTASTIC rest of your vacation! You are so very lucky to have such wonderful babysitters!
i love the pics of you and your precious baby girls they are growing up so fast looks like they are having a great time at the beach. i cant wait iam leaving in the morning to go to fort payne al wahooo i wil be taking loads of pics but not as many as you do mo.. i will share mine when i get back. oh i got to go to the bead store in a little while and get me some beads to take with me so i can bead while im gone im taking my necklaces with me that i have made i hope to sell some of them while im gone. well have fun the rest of your time down there i will check on you guys when i get back home sunday night.. hugs to you all
I just love your pictures. Those babies are sooo precious. I love those lil cottony dresses too. Hope you guys continue to have a great time.
Your blog and pictures just make my day. Where is your curly hair today? Did you actually have time to straighten it? You all look wonderful.
That kid smiles ALL THE FREAKING time! It kills me! But, that is a GOOD thing cause the opposite that is not pleasant! LOL Would you come home already!
So cute. I decided the other day I need to be in more of my pictures. It's starting to look like they don't even have a mom!! I actually asked my husband to take a few of me holding Ryan the other day and I forced myself to put them on my blog. LOL
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