Know what else made my heart swell? Todd had painted my girls' hands and made handprints on a piece of cardstock. He also handpainted "Happy Mother's Day 2009". I mean, my man is NOT crafty, and he KNEW I would love that gift. It was definitely from the heart! Thank you, Daddy!
We went straight to meet mom and Staci and her family at Outback... right from the airport! Here is our special JinJin with Ellie Bellie. Jin sure does love her grandyoungun's!
This evening, Ellie dropped something, and instead of being frustrated and fussing, she went, "bonk" and did a little giggle. I realized that my kid was learning to laugh at herself and her mishaps, and that "little things" are just that... little things! That was just one of those moments of epiphany when I realized, too, how my kid is learning so much about life and how she will conduct herself in bigger situations later by the way I respond to things now! She is learning ATTITUDE!
I further realized that I learned about my attitude from my mom. Much of my success in life can be attributed to her. THanks, Mom. Love you.
Another mom we need to recognize is Todd's! We don't get to see nearly as much of her as we would like. I know we will be seeing her in about three weeks and we look so forward to it.
Well, Nana, we love you , and I want you to know how much I appreciate your willingness to help us with our girls and just for being a great Nana to them and wife to my dad.
As for my experience as a mom... There are two very special women out there who gave me this opportunity. And even as I type, I am teary-eyed! I woke up this morning thinking about my girls' birthmoms! I hope they are not sad today. I hope they know how thankful I am. HOW BLESSED!
I hope that Ellie's birth grandmother is still reading the blog. If you are, know that I am forever grateful for your support to both your daughter and to me in the whole adoption process. I LOVE this little girl. I hope this shows in my blog posts, and that you are able to see how happy she is too!
And Magan, this little Gabbi Girl is the light of my life. She has made our lives complete. Thank you for thinking of me as a mother for this precious girl! What an incredible gift. One I could never repay!
I wrote little songs for both of my girls as infants, (maybe someday I will sing them to all of you), that let them know that they are adopted and how deeply we love them. Gabbi, particularly, loves for me to sing her song to her! She looks at me so intently when I sing to her. (and bless her heart... I cannot sing!) The "chorus" is "Yes, we love Gabbi. You make our family whole."
So, to sum up today, I was overwhelmed. Blessed. Happy.
Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there. Glad to finally be in your club! Melanie
Happy Mother's Day Mo! I'm glad your girls have filled your life with happiness. Although I've never met them, they seem like loads of fun and joy. And yes your blog readers can definitely tell how much you truly love your girls. Here's to many more Happy MOther's days in years to come.
Happy Mother's Day Mo. I don't think anyone who has ever glanced at your blog would have a doubt in their mind as to how much you love those two girls. They are just as lucky to have you as you are to have them.
you made me cry
Such a sweet post. Yes it's pretty obvioius you love those girl's and thet they love you. Happy Mother's Day, Mo!!
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
Happy Mother's Day! Both being a Mom and having a Mom is something I think many of us take for granted. When you long so badly to have children and don't, this is not a happy day. Your girls are blessed and I am thankful for your acknowledgment of those birth - moms today. Our nephew is adopted - can't imagine life without him!
Mo, the club wouldn't be the same without you!!! Precious post...precious girls...precious life.
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day to you! What a sweet gift from your hubby and girls. I just learned yesterday that yesterday was National Birth Mother's Day. I too am grateful for two birth mothers out in the world...
Happy Mother's Day to you. I love reading your blog and watching your girls in there cute dresses ans bows. I'm going to have to find out where to get all that cute stuff. Our little girl is just getting enough hair for a skinny little ponytail. She loves to have her hair fixed.
You'll just have to come over and ck her out.
Happy Mother's Day! I had to get up for more Kleenex while reading your post. Isn't it true that no matter how we became parents that God is still the one who blessed us and trusted us to be Mother's!! You are the best Mommy to two precious and wonderfully happy girls. The happiness in each of them is beaming. I hope you enjoyed your day!!! Thanks for your sweet comments!
Happy Mother's Day MO!!!
Mo I am so happy that you were blessed with your two girls. They are just as lucky to have you. They are so happy and it is evident how much Todd, you, and your whole family love them.
Happy Belated Mother's Day!!
Awww, what a delightful post! I am so happy that you are so happy. Happy belated Mother's day, Mo!
Well, good grief. You should have started that out as "get your tissues ready". I am so glad you are happy and it shows every day. I hope you had a great mothers day.
Hi Mo, I am single with 4 adopted kids through foster care. You know, it doesn't matter if they are adopted or you gave birth... a mom's heart is so big and I know I couldn't love my kids anymore than I know you love yours. We are so blessed that God chose us to be Mom's to these kids. I am the proudest Mom out there. Happy Mother's Day! Tracey
This post is just to much of a tear jerker for me. We all see how much you love your babies. They are precious. We, as mothers, can honestly say there is no other greater gift from God than a child. Thanks for your post. Sandy
Happy Mother's Day! You are a phenomenal mother!!
I have tears in my eyes after reading your post! I can't even type. I am just so happy for you and Todd. Happy Mother's Day Mel, you are a TERRIFIC Mother!!!
Did you have to make me cry Mo? You are such a wonderful momma to those precious babies. The good man upstairs had a plan all along for you and these girls. They were meant to be yours, it was His plan.
DH rocks I tell ya, what a great thing he did. WTG daddio! So glad you are back!
Sweet sweet post! The girlie girls look so happy to see their mama!
Awww Melanie---What a sweet post!! How wonderful to feel so blessed!! I just love love love your family so much, and feel like I know you all!!!! (I wish I could meet ya'll). Happy Mother's Day to you. Your love for those girls is precious! Children are so wonderful (although they'll make you feel like pulling your hair out sometimes!) I have a 20 yr old son, a 17 yr old daughter, and a 7 yr old son. They are all such blessings, and all so different from each other. But, I wouldn't take anything for them! Thanks so much for sharing your life with us. It really does brighten my day!!
With love from Georgia,
Theresa Shirley're making me cry here! What a touching post! You have two beautiful daughters. I'm so very happy for you!
Tell Todd I am very impressed with his creativity and thoughtfulness, having the girls make such great Mother's Day gifts for you! This beats what my hubby gave me - Vidalia onions - HANDS DOWN! ;o) Standing o, Todd...standing o.
Have a great week, Mo!
Hello Mo,
I love watching your little girls blossom because of your love for them. I too, am a "birthgrandmother" so it really touched my heart to read the line about Ellie's "birthgrandmother". It eases my heartache a little to see how much you love your babies. I miss my girl. Take care!
happy late mother's day! i'm SO impressed with todd's crafting skills! i think he must sneak upstairs while you are at the office to get inspired and learn some stuff from your books! wonder if he'll join us at the inspired convention next year!?! can't wait to see what you made! that post was such a tease! oh and nice coordinating dresses todd picked!
Hope you had a very nice Mother's Day. The girls are adorable.
What an awesome post..wish I had read it on Mother's Day! God bless you and your family.Your baby girls are simply precious. Your faith, talent and spirit are most INspiring! Girls Rock!
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