Well, I guess by now, you all can figure out that I am not very good at linking! SO, if you are interested, google Donna Downey and Inspired event. It is exactly what it is designed to be... inspiring! I have been in art classes all day long. I took two classes on making personal rings, one on a transparency book, one on how to make butterfly shaped scrapbook, and a big black chipboard collage. I took pictures, but can you even believe that I left my thinkgymajig that puts my pictures on my computer at home. I am really slipping!
But what I DO have is a computer full of pictures of my girlies... so here we go...
I decided I would put the girls on the hearth to take a picture together. Seemed like a good idea! I put Gabbi up there, and she was ready to rock and roll.

I plopped Sassy Sue down beside her and thought, ooooooh, this is going to be so cute!

This is pretty much what I got. Ellie would NOT stay in her place! Gabbi was a gem.

"Hey, Ellie. Where you going?! Get back over here. I am all poised and ready."

"No, I mean it. Really. I have things to do. Like bite on Biter Biscuits, and chew on my toys. So come back here. NOW!"

Masson to the rescue. I guess she thought she could save the day. Ellie said, "Ummmm, NO!"

So, what do you do in such a case? Grab the cooperative kid and make the best of it.

Look at that smiley girl. She is such a cutie patootie.

One more. I just can't help it!

OR, you can pick them both up and have the photographer do a dance to get their attention.

Ellie just still wasnt' having any of that picture posing action! Dang!

And two babies are HEAVY! I have had both forearm and shoulder pain now for about 4-5 months. Wonder why!
But, I will suffer in silence. Because.... look at her!

She is an angel baby, I tell you.

So, any of you NC'ers who want to drive on out to Concord, come on. I can see the Lowe's Motor Speedway from my room. Not that I care. Just not a fan! But, I AM a fan of that spa that is downstairs! Bwahhahhahaa! Melanie
I could just eat that Gabbi girl right up. I have never seen her NOT smiling. She makes me want another baby rofl...think my husband my kill me! Enjoy your trip, wish I had the crafty genes!
Ooh. Those classes sound so much fun! I keep those cord thingies in my camera bag, my computer bag, and my purse. Pathetic, I know.
Gabbi Gull is just so darned smiley!!! And it's a smile that'd melt sugar on the coldest of days. And Ellie, well, she may have got a head start on the 'terrible twos' but the good news is it only gets better after that phase is over with. Bless her for being patient with having to share her wonderful parents with a younger sibling.
I am totally jealous of where you are right now!!! Too bad I'm nowhere near NC.
Have fun! Denise
This trip sounds like it was made for you. Have fun. We love pics of those girls, so keep them coming. Gabbi's smile is contagious. She makes you smile right back at her through the computer screen. :)
Sounds like a wonderful weekend to me! Your girls are something else! That Gabbi...so sweet, so happy. And Ellie is too...I realize that! Everyone has an off day! They both are smooch-alicious! :o)
Just wait 'til they get older, girl. Of course, you get to witness the teen years with Hunter and Hayden. Check out my most recent post to see a video of my baby boy...You'll see what I put up with!
Hope you have a Happy Mother's Day!
I am originally from Winnsboro/Funroe...but currently live in Charlotte. You should definitely venture to uptown Charlotte and get out of the "country" in Concord haha. Concord Mills has good shopping though....but the best places to eat are in the city! Sorry the weather here has been so yucky---Carolina weather is usually beautiful!
Not sure how much longer you have in NC....
Charlotte restaurants: http://www.charlottesgotalot.com/default.asp?charlotte=55
I also recommend Birkdale village (in Huntersville), and SouthPark and Northlake Malls for shopping. The Myers Park (Queens/Providence Rds), Dilworth (East Blvd), Southend (South Blvd) areas of Charlotte are great for unique shops and have beautiful houses in the neighborhoods!
I could go on all day how awesome NC and the Charlotte area are...hope you enjoy your stay here!
i love the pics of your seet girls and im so happy that your having a great time up in nc cant wait to see pics and hear all about the new crafts your learning
have lots of fun
Mo girl soak up all that info!! I know you are going to have some GREAT FUTURE "HOW TO" POST!!! YIPPEE!!!!
That Gabbi is just too precious!!! That girl is definitely going to be PRIMED for those beauty pageants (hint...hint)! Ellie would be as well....but...she...may not be still long enough (LOL)! I sympathize with you, I have a MOVER and SHAKER as well!!!
Safe travels back home!!
PS Mo I want to wish you a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! I'm outta town this weekend, so I won't check in until Tuesday!!!
Your girls are so stinkin cute! And that Masson, well, she's going to be quite the heartbreaker herself!
I wanted to tell you 'thank you'. You posted a pic awhile ago that showed your hand. And your wedding band on your middle finger. Such a simple solution to a problem I had been struggling with. I've recently lost over 30 pounds and my wedding bands were too big for the proper finger. I was afraid they'd go flying off. So I wouldn't wear them and instead found a couple fakies that I wouldn't care about if they got lost. Seeing your post made me realize that DUH! just wear them on the next finger. I'm a dingbat that way sometimes. So...I'm back to wear my wedding bands and in the process, getting more attention drawn to them since they are in an odd place (a girl never turns down the chance to talk about her diamonds!). And yes, I've thought of having them sized down but gosh, that would just be too easy! So, thanks for the idea that I shamelessly stole.
Have a great Mothers Day!
Anne in TN
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