And this is Miss Mickey. She is one of mom's good friends, and now one of my GREAT friends because she drove the 8ish hours down here from WM to bring my sweet patooties to me! They are staying at the condo til Thursday. So there will be a day overlap with them and the Seabs. I am grateful Mickey was available and willing to help!
Note Gabbi chewing on a dive toy. She is BOUND to be getting a tooth soon. That kid is chewing on everything and drooling like crazy to boot.
Ok, so you think it is ok that Ellie likes her boots?! Welllllll, THIS is what my kid looks like poolside!
Somebody said, should a big rainstorm come up, she'd be ready! So true!
I couldn't believe I encouraged her to wear her little beachhat for as long as I did. (and of course the boots are on the wrong feet too!)
Gabbi didn't like hers so much either, but if it is one thing I have learned about my Gabbi Girl... she is a trooper. I mean, that kid goes with the flow in just about any situation.
Can you see how deep it is? I mean, I am SITTING on my buttocks! FLAT on the bottom. And still... no Ellie! I swear, our baths are deeper than this!
Oh, well, she missed a party!
I cannot wait to have some of these pics cropped, photoshopped and blown up to add to the collection on the wall down here. I will have to show you a pic of that wall. I LOVE all my personal photos staying up for vistiors to get to see. But, NO Gabbi.... YET!
ANd then, we were heading to get some french fries when other kids ahead of us were at the ice cream box. Ellie was on her toes with them trying to see what all the commotion was about.
Today, Ellie learned about Push ups. (You know those nasty orange flavored things that we all had to have off the ice cream truck?!) And this is Ellie Bellie post push up!
We later took MANY awesome pics in the big pool and on the beach, but I will have to share those later! Dad and Masson will be heading down early tomorrow! Yippeee!
Love to all of you, and Missy, hey! I need your mailing address so I can send you a scrapbook kit. Jessi has it together; just needs your address. Yours too, Denise Bell, if you are reading. Email me... Y'all were the two winners in my contest not long ago!
And speaking of kits, I have put together about 7 or more options of earrings that I could put into a CHEAP kit for earring making! I need to know if anyone is interested! I thought I could post the earrings and let you choose the 3 pair you would like to make on your own. I would then put those components into a kit for you. I am using fairly cheap supplies, on purpose, to make it very affordable to those who want to do it. So, is there anybody out there who LIKED the earring kit and wants to make some more? I may post the earrings tomorrow to get you all psyched up about jewelry making all over again! Ha.
Be cool. Melanie
Glad your family is having fun on the beach. And I totally support the matching bathing suits and bows!! Can't wait to see the other pics.
Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy!!! Thank you for sharing
Those girls are just precious! I cant wait to see Gabbi in the water, i hope tomorrow Ellie Bellie will wanna go swimming! I got an iPod dock boom-box thing for my birthday! We will be listening to MY tunes on the beach! Get ready! See you in the morning! (After me and Todd stop for shoes;)
Love yall!
You are SOOO making me want a vacation right now!!! Renée is still in school for a few more days! hide the boots and get that baby some flip flops! They should be cool enough for her and big kids wear them! I'm also very impressed with matching outfits 2 days in a row!! SO cute!!
Why does it take y'all so long to get there? We make it in 6...just wondering. Keep the pictures coming! I LOVE beach pictures!:)
Oh, what fun!
Oh am I jealous!! Boy would I like to be at the beach for THREE weeks!!
The girls and their outfits are adorable. Not only are their bathing suits and bows color coordinated, but Ellie's boots match--sort of!!?? I love those boots - they rock.
Hope you guys just have a blast and that the weather is perfect. The rest of us will just wish we were there.
Blessings to you.
Cute, cute, cute!!!
I wanted to comment about the Hangout. We went there last year when we were at the spot!
CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!! That outfit--the bathing suit, hat & boots--only Ellie could put that together!! You have so much fun with everything--I'm so jealous!! :) Hope ya'll have a wonderful time, thanks for keeping us posted with the beach pics! I think I'm gonna invite myself next year!! JK--that'd be a mess wouldn't it (if a bunch of your blog followers showed up) :) You go girl!!!
Livi & Lucy (my girls)now want boots just like Ellie's..good lawd! They are looking at the pics with me giggling at Ellie running around in her boots..
Why are they so chicken in water that like you said is not as deep as their baths??? We are going thru a phase here with my 5 yr old. Trying to do swimming lessons, but its NOT going good...ugh.
Anywho, glad you are having a nice, relaxing time. Keep sharing those beautiful pics and I can't wait to see the wall of the rest. Next time I am coming and I will be the cook, maid, sitter, drink maker, paramour...something lol
on and btw i emailed you my addy..I can't wait to get it. I will share it when finished!
LOL! I think Ellie is "skiddish" about the "vastness" of the pool/water and it's unfamiliar to her. The tub is MORE FAMILIAR and the perimeter is much smaller and the water looks less intimidating! Gabbi could CARE LESS! Her facial expression is priceless! That baby girl is enjoying herself indeed!!
PS Hey that's a ONE UP on Ellie! Go Gabbi girl...go!!
Your girls are just too cute. I always love their clothes and updates what they are doing. Ellie is about the same age as my granddaughter, Sofia. Such a fun age. I love the way they communicate and all the new words they are trying to say.
You look great too!! Are you ever going to do a blog about lap band. I am seriously considering - but a little afraid. Did Stacie have it done too?
Have fun at the beach!!
Love the pictures from the pool. Ellie is adorable in her boots, hat, and swimsuit. Can't believe she didn't go into the pool but at least Gabbi was all about it. Can't wait to see the pics from the beach. We head to Indiana's beach in the middle of July. Could use some great beach picture ideas.
I have to tell you how much I loved the picture from your other post of the girls from behind looking out. Pictures from behind is one of my favorite poses and they are just so adorable.
Looks like you are having a great time at the Beach Club. I am Shannon (who sought you out at the beach last year). Do you remember? We will be back at the Beach Club Monday!! I hope to see you and Ellie again and meet Gabbi. Continue to enjoy your extended vacation.
Thank you for sharing! It is always a joy to see the joy! My four kids ALL love the mud boots...all kinds! My youngest is three and he will wear his boots anywhere...and they are a given if there is any water around! Of course, I have been working on transitioning him to sandals...those rubber boots can get pretty warm...but we have a little time as its been on the cool side here. I'm sure it won't be long. After a visit to the store last week, he has decided that "dlip-dlops" are pretty cool. Fun, fun, fun...Enjoy the beach!
I loved the earring and bracelet kits! Bring them on...I can't wait.
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