As I said, LOTS to report on lately... including...
Ready for the cheapest, most fabulous Easter basket goodie in the whole wide world?

Would you check out the number of things hanging from that kid? Four necklaces, a bow, about 3 bracelets, and there they are... those BOOTS!
Oh, and you can make glasses with them too! HOURS of fun! (That would be my sarcastic tone!)
Well, here it is... the ol' pipe cleaner! I discovered this trick a while back, and now we do NOT go to church without pipe cleaners in our diaper bag as a distraction. (otherwise, ELLIE is the distraction!)

With this huge accessory phase she is going through, she just LOVES anything that can be hung on her arm. At the office, she goes through Jessi's drawers and will hang all the index card rings up her arm. I am talking 20 or so. 
Then, she opens the box of rubber bands, and every one of those has to hang around her little arm! 
I think the one that takes the cake, though, was when this week, she actually hung the new appetizer at Chili's, fried onion straws, around her wrist. Now, baby, that is an all time low! Mama will GET you a bracelet! Lots of them. and they are called PIPE CLEANERS!
Ellie actually calls pipe cleaners bracelets. Not the completed ones, just the actual pipe cleaner itself! Seeing as how Jake always called Lawn mowers "garage sales", and no one ever corrected him, I don't see how this will cause any permanent damage either!
Even good ol' Dad got in on the bracelet making fun. It is called the "I'll WART YOUR NERVES til you do" game, and neither of us have the stamina to outlast her "bracelet. bracelet. bracelet. Daddy, bracelet. daddy. Bracelet." And so ... we have BRACELET!! 
Oooh, I know he din't get all FANCY with that triple color twister model. You go, Todd the crafter!
I was just telling Jeff about Elle and her accessorizing at Chili's!
I mean, pipe cleaners are great and all, but I'll take an appetizer on my wrist anyday!
That Ellie Bellie is a HOOT! She is doing some serious accessorizing with all those necklaces, bracelets and hip boots!! I can't just imagine the little stinker (in a good way!) she must be!!
Thats my kind of girl--hanging an appetizer on your wrist for later!!! She definetly loves to accessorize!! Too Cute!!
Poor, deprived child! LOL The pipe cleaners are a great idea. Have you ever bought the big packages of multicolored plastic bracelets? Dollar Tree might have some.
Tell Todd I am liking the picture of him without a hat on...I don't think I've ever seen the top of his head before! Nice hair!
Once again, thanks for sharing the pictures. Your girls always bring a smile to my face. :o)
The girl definitely has quite a style about her. I can about imagine the laughter in Chilli's with her choice of accesory. I bet that was histerical.
Ellie is girly girl for sure!
Oh my...those boots are a kill. I bet they make her feet smell nice since they appear to be a nice "breathable" plastic, ha!!
Happy Easter!
Oh I think the boots and the dress tucked into the front of the leggings just make her stand out sexy mamma!Good Lawd that child is sumthing else. My girls are the same way soooo watch out.... I tell my girls "You are gonna topple over with all that stuff on." Love the pics, Ellie has got style mamma!
Tell Tod the bod wtg. Way to get on board with the girlies...The next thing we know he will be making shirts, pants or whatever with the BEDAZZLER!!! hahaha
oh and should email Chili's and maybe she could be their next commercial...Our appetizers are so amazing, even toddlers take them on the go. Just ask Miss Ellie Sue Massey, she will show you! that! Ya know, it might save you from having to find a snack for her if she just saves everything on her wrist! Improvize Improvize!
Hmmmm.... you and Todd better start saving lots of money! Ellie, when she hits her REAL jewelery phase in her late teens, is going to cost you a fortune!
In the meantime, have fun with those pipe cleaners. :)
Hugs, Denise, xoxo
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