My good ol' high school friend, Julie. Julie was also an elementary school friend of mine. She, Paula, and I hung out a LOT together in junior high. Actually, in high school, it was Julie's mom who we felt was the most gullable (or maybe just the most lenient?!), so we usually used HER house as the "we will be at Julie's house" excuse! Dude... I just thought about this...I am so glad there were no cell phones during "my day". and come to think of it, not even call waiting. So, you know, the phone could be "busy" all night! Man, poor kids these days! So sorry for them. I know that if things are like they are today, my mom would have had a GPS inserted into my hiney and would KNOW that I was not really at Julie's. I was really "cruising the loop" down Forsythe Avenue. That is what we did in "my day". It was stupid, really!
I distinctly remember my mom and dad saying, "where are you going?" and I would say, "Out". KNOWING they would NOT settle for that! They would say, "out, where?!" and I would say, "Just OUT". And they would not let it go. For you with teens, understand that there is such a place as "just out-out!" Ok, so that was a BIG ol' bird!
Back to Julie! She was my stunt partner when we were freshmen cheerleaders! Things in cheering have changed a lot too!
So me, being the base, and she, being the flyer, did what all almost 40 year old ex cheerleaders do... we did our old stunt!
Just pretend I am really thin and there is not a gut hanging over my pants! Check out the body mechanics as she climbed aboard. and the extension of Julie's legs and My arms as we sho nuff do our old stunt!
Oh yes we did!
Controlled dismount and all! (again... Say this slowly...Melanie is skinny. She is so skinny. She has no excess belly fat. She is fine. )
Back to that whole how much cheerleading has changed... nowadays, kids start gymnastics and dancing at about 3 years old. they HAVE to! If not, they may not make cheerleader in 12 years! It is insane! And don't even thing about trying out if you can't do a back handspring (oh, and
back "tuck"!) My girls and I watched a video over the holidays that was HYSTERICAL! It was a pep rally from the ninth grade. Paula ran out on to the gym floor and did a roundoff! Hilarious! I mean, if someone did a roundoff these days, they'd be laughed off the floor! I was the big fancy one with a front walkover into a split. That was seeeerrriously advanced!
But there is one thing to think about. How many of those girls will be able to do their fancy pyramids and back handsprings when they are 39? huh? Well, Jules and I still got it, baby!
And she has an appointment scheduled for 8:3o Monday morning, and I will be in traction just after that!
Just joking. As you can very well see... I am F-I- T!
Way to go!!!!
side of the road huh?? too funny!!!
Say it with me now.....Own it, mount it, dismount it!!! I enjoyed my treat tonight and I'm so glad you posted this as I can always count on a giggle when I read! by the way, Mel, you are SO SKINNY! FIT MAMA! And, I don't know what you're talking about when you speak of a "gut"! Yeah, I would have NEVER made it to teenage years in these days. I had my territory covered when I was in high school, but maybe it's cause I had "Julie's mom"!!:) Listen, I know a really good PT if you or Julie can't move in the am!!!
You go Mo! You still got it girl!
Love the supper video of that smiley girl. Too precious!
WOOHOOOO!!!!! That was awesome!!! you know you still got it girl!!! :-)
You still got it, girl! You ROCK!!!
You go girl!
Awesome!!! You go Mo!!
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
Such a treat! Thanks for sharing your world with us on this weekend!
OMG! I just laughed so hard I cried! I can just see you almost wrecking trying to stop when you seen your long time BFF scrolling down the road! LOL YOU AIN'T RIGHT! LOL Thanks for sharing! You are a nut case in a good kind of way! Love ya!
What a treat! Thank you!
I am laughing so husband had to come see what was up!!! guys still have it!!!
I think I just peed myself! That was great and you definately still got it girl!
You go girl!!! I would have been laying on the
Hysterical! Ya'll are too cool for school!!!
I never know what I'll see on your blog Mo!! I always wanted to be a cheerleader but I trip over my own feet. You guys are amazing to still be able to do those moves.
Dear Lawd I would of loved to have driven down the road and seen two grown women doing some crazy stunts... I probably would of stopped and watched lol. I just laughed my tushie off Mo, thanks for the giggles!
HILARIOUS!!I think I can create a cute little shirt w/a saying for the little dog in the background it will say "Hey DOG CATCHER, don't worry about me, it's my OWNER that's seriously OFF THE CHAIN!!!
Mo why not REALLY SPOIL us and do a "to be continued" series and contact ALL your former cheerleading friends on FACEBOOK and get together and do a REUNION "TUNING"! You know FINE TUNE those muscles!!!! Man that really made my Sunday! (LOL)
Hahaha! I love it! You are so cute...and SKINNY! My gosh, I couldn't believe what a SKINNY MINNIE you are!
I am totally impressed with your cheerleading skills. At my age, it's a little depressing to know that the ONLY way anyone's gonna be standing on me from this point on is when I'm in my grave!!! Sheesh...
Hey, I have an appointment with my massage therapist on on up here and I'll let you go in my place. :o)
You totally rock!
You are hilarious!!!
My sister's were cheerleaders. One was the base and the other was the flyer. They both could probably still do it and maybe I should inspire them with your post and take pictures to prove it. I of course will sit on the road side and laugh. Tee hee. By the way-GIRL you look great! You are fit. :)
I just got the earing kit. SO excited! Never done anything like this before so hopefully I don't masacre it. :)
What a GREAT Sunday giggle!! It really is awesome that you guys could do that stunt after so many years of not practicing. And you look TERRIFIC, Mo!! You have lost so much weight. Way to go!
Hugs, Denise
ok that is probably the funniest thing i have seen in days,,,, weeks..... ok who am I kidding months. ROFL. You have made my day :)
actually you should ahve made a vidoe of this too rofl waaahh i want to see how long it took you to get her up there lol
Hee-Hee! That's GREAT, girls! I was always the base in cheeleading too, and could do the roundoff and land in the splits. I still can do the splits (like you!) You are right, it wouldn't get me far these days! ROCK ON, MO!!
Hello Melanie,
You just crack me up with your ideas. I think you are so great, wish you lived in Minnesota so we could be friends. Love keeping up with your family. A "Northerner" in Minnesota.
Laughing my booty off and lovin' it!!! look FANTASTIC!!! You still got it goin' on!!!!!!!
I love to read on the weekends by the way!!!
Wooo Hooo, you go girl !!! I'm sure that someone by now has sent this to the execs of Bring It On and they are now in a closed session writing up a new script just for you two!!!
By the 13 year old son now says "messsss maaammm" when answering my questions!
Mo-You RUUUUUUUUULLLLEEEE! Don't worry about that belly.....those come standard after 30 I believe!
OMG You are so funny! My daughter was a freshman cheerleader this year and they have to take gymnastics every week thru out the whole year. Their stunts are amazing. I normally sit with my jaw dropped and pray that the flyer makes it down safely. My daughter wanted to be a flyer and I told her no way LOL. She will be trying out soon for JV and hopefully she will make it. The Varsity team is very hard to make. By the way you are very skinny!
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